Friday, February 20, 2009

Some Like It Hot

Yes, yes they do.  Some Like It Hot is Billy Wilder's 1959 comedy classic staring Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon, and Marilyn Monroe.  Boy do I love this film.  Since I first saw it about a year ago it never losses its laughs.  I don't think I will ever stop laughing either.

So Marilyn Monroe.  Hehe.  Wow.  She was incredible.  But if you look at her, she weights way more then most of today's models and actresses.  That's not a bad thing, but its weird to thing how much we've changed since then.  But as hot as she was you can't get past the fact that she was oh so very daft.  There's stories of how she kept on screwing up her line.  Even after Wilder wrote her lines on a blackboard behind the camera, Marilyn continued to mess up the lines!  Despite all of this, she was a terrible loss.

As you probably know the plot centers around 2 band member (Tony and Jack) during the late 20's.  After a gig at a funeral home they witness the (non-fictitious) Valentine's Day Massacre and must then leave Chicago ASAP.  So then they come up with the brilliant idea of dressing up as women and joining an all girl band heading to Florida!  Shenanigans ensue.

I have to give props to the guys who did the stuns in the very first scene.  It was a  frakin' amazing chase scene especially for 1958.  Its like they actually did that crap and filmed it.  Amazing.

This film was way ahead of its time.  Its surprising some of the stuff they get away with.  When Tony Curtis kisses Marilyn while still in drag would of been extremely racy way back then.  There's some very strange innuendos from Jack Lemmon and his crazy man lover, Joe E. Brown.  But hey, nobody's perfect.  Yeah, that this single greatest last line ever for possibly the greatest comedy film ever.

This is one of those film that never ever gets old.

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