Tuesday, February 24, 2009


coralineposterSo not that long ago I wrote a blog titled 3-D: The Downfall of Cinema, in which, I stated that 3-D would ruin our film.  Now, I have completely changed my mind but I have just seen a slight glimmer in the darkness.  And that is Coraline.  Coraline showed me that 3-D can be clever, subtle and really cool.  Part of the reason the 3-D works is because its claymation and stop-motion animation.  It doesn’t look like the people were cut out and moved slightly forward.  And some of the tricks used at the end of the film were really good.  Plus not of the generic 3-D gimmicks were used and if they were, I didn’t even notice.

So this is from the director of Nightmare Before Christmas and James and the Giant Peach.  No not, Tim Burton (I had to prove to severe people that it was Henry Selick).  Thus, you will know it is very dark and Coraline is no exception.  But the thing is, its not too dark or weird.  Yes button are sown into eyes and woman changes in to a giant evil witch but is not quit as disturbing as Nig

htmare.  Maybe I just grew up and this is a completely frakked up, demented film…Its not for kids.


Coraline is a young blue haired girl who sound alot like Dakota Fanning.  She just moved to an apartment complex far out in nowhere.  Yes, sounds familiar?  Of course.  That’s why it works.  Her parents are neglectful writers and she has no friends, until she finds a gateway into an alternative reality where everything’s nice.  But everything is not as it seems.  As you may guess in the end she learns to make do with her situation and love her parents.

As I said earlier, this actully is rather creepy.  There was some times when I got really freaked out.  So I’d say this is a 9 and up.  I was reading where a lot of parents were upset about the girl saying ‘Oh my God’.  Really?  I bet you, you say it in your kids company all the time.  As I said 9 and up. 

Yeah, I was really surprised by this movie.  It was really cool.  And, *choke*, I like the 3-D.

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