Monday, November 10, 2008

There Will Be Blood

If you have a milkshake and I have a milkshake and I have a straw and my straw reaches across the room and starts to drink your milkshake. I drink your milkshake! I drink it up!

No way No Country For Old Men is better then this. Paul T. Anderson's masterpiece on capitalism, corruption, greed and religion is EPIC. This is also Daniel Day-Lewis's best. These crakin' Hollywood epics are few and far between nowadays.

This is one of those movies you should see at least 2 times. It takes a while to sink in. You can easily miss key plot point even if you do give it undivided attention. It tell the rise and fall an extremely monstrous oilman. It begins with a just one lone man digging from the black gold all by his lonesome. This man is Danial Plainview.

Now some of the things this guy does may upset you. It may anger you, but his is a very mean man. Its always hard to watch something that so closely follows a villain. Especially one that follow him so closely. We rarely leave his sight.
But the thing is, hes not that bad, you can really empithize with him so much. Espacaly at the end. How he often destorys the demented Eli, the false prophet will make you very happy.

What gets the film going is Danial's discovery of oil under the Sunday Ranch. He and Paul Sunday, who is kind of a nutter himself, don't exactly get along. The music and cinematography perfectly reflect the the story. One event comes to mind about half way through.

There Will Be Blood is based on Upton Sinclair's Oil!. If you see this...don't read the book, its very different, but still good. I read the book first so I wasn't really disappointed it either. Either way, There Will Be Blood is a modern classic in the truest sense.

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