Sunday, January 4, 2009

Son of Rambow

No, not a sequel to the highly popular Rambo series, Son of Rambow is a heartwarming drama about youth, friendship and family. Probably one of the most overlooked films of 2008, Rambow with a 'W' doesnt have he highest body count ever.

This fresh coming of age story centers around two young British boys. Will Proudfoot is 10 years old and a member of the 'brotherhood', a strange denomination that strictly forbids television and film (what would I ever do???). Soon he meets a trouble making young boy named Lee Carter, who shows him his first film, First Blood. Lee Carter then forces Will to star in his film he is submitting to a competition at the BBC.

We begin to see the friendship between the two boys grow through the film and eventually breaks down toward the end of the film, like it does in order to create suspense, when Will makes some new friends and starts casting extras and a crew. One of his new friends is the most french kid ever. Ever.

I'll admit, I cried at the end of this. Its a very emotional but satisfying ending centering around Lee's family, but i really enjoyed it. Son of Rambow is a astonishingly funny British comedy. So yeah, i really like this heartwarming family drama along the lines of Stand by Me.

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